Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Red, White, & Blue - Thank You.

There are those things in life that are guaranteed to bring tears to my eyes, give me goosebumps, and get me a bit choked up. Although I won't bore you with a complete list, today of all days I will talk about those in the patriotic realm. The red, white, and blue. Those that serve as a symbol of our freedoms, our rights, our liberty. Things that pertain to those who are still willing to serve - to put their life and liberty on the line for us. The documents that hold us accountable to the origins of this country.

I admit it. I tear up every single time the national anthem is played. Every time I see a soldier in uniform or a vet proudly wearing his hat I feel a rush of pride. And after I see one of those homecoming videos of returning troops do not expect me to be presentable. Every house displaying an American flag prominently always gets a second look from me and my respect without even knowing who lives there or anything about them. As a military spouse of over 20 years, I still feel a thrill when I enter the gates of a military base and in awe of those who are VOLUNTARILY serving for this country.

As I listened to the radio this morning and the voting polls were opening on the East coast, I was overcome with emotion. What an honor and a privilege: every single American citizen over the age of 18 has the potential for their voice to be heard. Inside I was cheering "Go America!" I have so much hope for our country and so much respect for those who are willing to serve as leaders. I am hoping those who grabbed hold of the right to vote, took it to heart, and passionately studied those they are supporting. I have become a very interested student of history over the past few years and realize what a difference every single American can make, let alone what a difference two to four years of decision making in a leadership role can make. It is both frightening and exciting.

Today I am thankful I live in a place where my emotions can be stirred in a positive way with the pride I feel in everything the United States of America stands for. I am thankful for a right to vote which is both a privilege and an honor to fulfill. I am grateful for a nation that has proven time and again it will come together in times of both victory and need. Red, white, and blue - thank you.

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