Saturday, November 3, 2012

Thankful for Traditions

Today was a work day at our house - we were taking down the fall decor and preparing the house for the Christmas transformation. This is no minor task in our home! The fall take down is an exciting time for us as we all know what that means - the house RE-DO is about to happen!

Really what happened is we boxed and wrapped and hauled and sweat like we were doing a major workout! We did get the fall boxes to storage and the first round of Christmas boxes brought to the house. We are all excited to find the perfect place for all our treasures in this new Texas home. It is always fun to decorate in a new place as all of our favorite things get a new home as well.

The Christmas transformation for us is when all of the wall hangings. the curio cabinets, the bedding and window coverings, and even more are taken down and then replaced with holiday decor. For us it is almost our "New Year" transformation - we all feel like we are starting fresh and have a new focus on family activities and fun traditions. We all look forward to this time of year!

So today I am thankful for traditions. Traditions - that started when I was growing up and surrounded every holiday with special family activities - which my husband has generously allowed me to incorporate into our home and family life. I am excited to embark on the 2012 version of those traditions and find out what new family memories are in store for us this year.

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